Mirror of the Mind: Thanks

This recording was made with support from the UCONN School of Fine Arts’ 50th Anniversary Interdisciplinary Research and Creative Activity Competition, and the following kindhearted backers who supported a Kickstarter campaign to fund manufacturing and promoting the album:

Jude Abbe, Michael & Gretchen Abene, Benjamin Abrams, Alecia Ali, Charles Austin, Noah Baerman, Erin Ballou, Michael Bartley, Arnie Baum, Jamie Baum, Walker Beard, Laurie Bell, Daniel Bennett, Doug Bevins, Ben Bilello, Steve Blonski, Daniel T. Blow, Bill Briggs, Chris Buzzelli, Vincent J. Cardinal, Mike Casey, Korey Charles, Cheryl Chase, Ty Christopher, Mac Cooney, Deborah Dancy, Bob Day, Cora Lynn Deibler, Emily Dolan, Thomas C. Duffy, Bruce Dudley, Eric Elias, Terri Evans, Dirk C. Fecho, Aaron Flagg, Lukas Frei, Bruce Gertz, Henri Gerrits, Tim Gramling, Paul Gruhn, Liesa Guenther, Josh Hanlon, Nora Haugen, Barbara Hopkins, Tony Hyde, Matt Janiszewski, Chrissy Johnson, Amber Johnston, Derek Joly, Jan Jungden, Dmitri Kolesnik, Glenn Kostur, James Langner, Mark LaRosa, Tony Leone, Eric Letts, Dave Lisik, Daniel A. Luddy, Heidi Ludwig, Eric Luhta, Jasper Luijendijk, Ronald Lyles, Craig MacTavish, Helene Marcy, Donna Mawhinney, Karen Mawhinney, Pete McCann, Jonathan McCaslin, Peter McEachern, Pete McGuinness, Derrick McIntyre, Gretchen Messer, Jonathan Miller, John Mills, Tyler Mire, Jason Mitchell, Kevin Mixon, Joe Myerchin, Eric & Cheryl Nebbia, Bill Nichols, Martin Nickless, Lynn Pardi, Glenn Patscha, Jane Paulson, Timothy Peck, Brainerd Phillipson, Walter Potrebka, Brian Rice, Mitchell Robinson, Vincent Rogers, Kim Kupferschmid Ruiz, Greg Runions, Efrain Sain, Mat Samuelson, Brandt Schneider, Adam Shaw, Mark Shilansky, Paul Shim, Christopher Smith, Nathan Parker Smith, Nate Staniforth, Joe Sullivan, Thomas P. Thorndike, Victoria Saunders Thorpe, Douglas Thrower, Joseph Tine, Arnold van Klaveren, Eric Wagner, Steve Wiest, Partice Williamson  … and a mysterious, anonymous donor.

Earl also wishes to thank “Team MacDonald“: Jana, Logan and Stella for their love and support.

His parents, Ruby and Keith MacDonald will always deserve mention for encouraging him every step of the way.

To the band, Rogerio, Christopher and Kris, Earl considers myself extremely fortunate to be playing with musicians of your calibre.  He thanks you for your inspiring musicianship, dedication and friendship.

Peter Kontrimas remains Earl’s favorite recording engineer and barista!  He looks forward to many more fun, fulfilling and caffeine-infused projects at PBS!

Deborah Dancy and Ted Efremoff:  Collaborating with you has been a true pleasure for Earl.  You are artists of the highest order.  Your images drew him in, summoned questions, energized him, and continuously sparked his musical imagination.  Competing this project is in some ways bittersweet.  Thank you.

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