Jazz Education

This jazz education page is designed to serve as a resource portal for teachers who don’t consider themselves “jazzers,” but who wish to further develop their jazz ensembles (big bands and combos), program and pedagogy.

The page content is updated frequently. Please feel free to submit additional questions or topical suggestions to Earl via e-mail. As with all his online articles, readers are encouraged to respond with comments, further insights or countering opinions. When submitting questions and comments to Earl, please indicate whether or not he may post your response, and if you would prefer to remain anonymous or have your name included.

Beginner Jazz Improvisation

  • How do you suggest I approach teaching beginner improvisation?

⇒ Here are links for:

1. Earl’s introductory jazz improvisation class schedule (with embedded content)
2. an ongoing blog series where Earl teaches his son to improvise on trumpet
3. a designated page for the Middle School Jazz Combo Earl is co-coaching (for his son and his friends)

Big Band

Combo Coaching

Composition & Arranging

Jazz Piano

Jazz Education

Personal Practicing

Rhythm Section Techniques

Misc. Questions:

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